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The Fellowship of Hill

and Wind and Sunshine

A series of webinars studying the effect that singing has on health and wellbeing, informed by the latest research


Supported by

A partnership between

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for Health Research Project



Welcome to the Singing for Health Research Project's 12-part webinar series


A collaborative enterprise between the Singing for Health Network, the International Centre for Community Music, and the Royal College of Music, the series brings together musicians, researchers and health professionals together from across the globe.


While our understanding of the link between singing and health has grown substantially over the past 20 years, we have more to do to evidence the potential contribution of singing to our health, exploring the mechanisms at play and highlighting effective practice. This gathering of researchers and practitioners is an opportunity for knowledge exchange, future collaboration and a reflection of the current state of knowledge. From here, we can begin to propose strategies for future research and practice as an international community.

The series runs from November 2024 to March 2025 in four cycles of webinars around the key topics of:

  • Mental Health & Wellbeing

  • Voice Function & Communication

  • Cognitive Benefits​

  • Breath

We are grateful to our research contributors who are leading international figures in the field. Together, they are presenting their most recent research, and providing a compass for topic discussions, skill sharing and reflection. We are shining a light, too, on the role of the practitioner, together with the participant's voice. This unique series provides an opportunity for both the theoretical and practical to learn and inform one another’s practice.

We very much hope you will join us!

The Singing for Health Research Network Steering Group



The webinar series is designed to be booked and attended as a package, however can also be booked as individual webinars. Singing for Health Network Members receive a 40% discount. Find out about becoming a Singing for Health Network member for £25 per year here.

Individual webinar prices

  • Researchers & Academics focus webinars: Free of charge

  • Practitioner-Researchers focus: £10 (£6 for Singing for Health Network members)

  • Practical & Participant focus webinars: £10 (£6 for Singing for Health Network members)


Package prices

  • 12-webinar package: £70 (£42 for Singing for Health Network members)


  • All webinars will be recorded and made available to those who have booked.

  • A small additional service charge is applied to each booking by the booking platform.

Please go to the What's On tab for webinar details and booking.

Webinar programme summary

AHRC - Arts & Humanities Research Council funded webinar
SHN - Singing for Health promoted follow-up webinar
All webinars take place on Thursdays and run from 17.00 to 18.30 (UK time)

7 November 2024: AHRC research focus webinar featuring Dr Rebecca Bind (Kings College London), Lorna Greenwood (Breathe Arts Health Research), Calum Smith (World Health Organisation) and Dr Katey Warren (University College London)
14 November 2024: SHN follow-up - practitioner-researcher focus webinar
21 November 2024: SHN follow-up - practical & participant focus webinar

16 January 2025: AHRC research focus webinar featuring Dr Arla Good and Prof. Frank Russo (Toronto Metropolitan University), and Anni Pitkanlemi and Dr Teppo Sarkamo (University of Helsinki)
23 January 2025: SHN follow-up - practitioner-researcher focus webinar
30 January 2025: SHN follow-up - practical & participant focus webinar

27 February 2025: AHRC research focus webinar featuring Dr Becky Downson and Dr Linda O'Raw Oraw (University of Nottingham) and Prof. Christian Gold (University of Bergen)
6 March 2025: SHN follow-up - practitioner-researcher focus webinar
13 March 2025: SHN follow-up - practical & participant focus webinar


27 March 2025: AHRC research focus webinar featuring Dr Adam Lewis (University of Southampton) and Dr Keir Philip (Imperial College London)

3 April 2025: SHN follow-up - practitioner-researcher focus webinar

10 April 2025: SHN follow-up - practical & participant focus webinar

Please note:

This website is hosted by By connecting with the Singing for Health Research Project through this site you are treated as a Singing for Health Network website user. Please view our Privacy Policy for information about how your data is stored and used.

If you would like to join the Singing for Health Network as a member for £25 per year, please click here.

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